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Restaurante especializado em okonomiyaki
(Translated by Google) Izumisano is delicious okonomiyaki shop is popular cheap at a local from the old days in the old town of about a 3-minute walk from the train station.You can also bake your own, but it is safe it is better I got baked in a large iron plate of the shop to be an expert in to a great extent.Since the bank grilled also a rarity, Please Come relish in between of up to okonomiyaki baking can be.(Original)泉佐野駅から徒歩3分程の旧市街にある昔から地元で大人気の安くて美味しいお好み焼き屋さんです。自分で焼く事も出来ますが、余程のエキスパートでなければお店の大きな鉄板で焼いて貰ったほうが無難です。どて焼きも絶品なので、お好み焼き焼きが出来るまでのあいだに是非ご賞味下さい。
Go T — Google review
A very local restaurant with great okonomiyaki and yakisoba.Recommend to let the food on the pan for a bit to get bit of crispiness at the bottom which add another layer of flavor which go very well with cold beer.You can smoke in the restaurant so non-smokers out there have to watch out a bit.All the menu are in Japanese and only accept cash. So tourists (like me) might have hard time ordering but highly recommend to visit.
Garngid P — Google review
Near in my house ....i liked all the menu very traditional
Mizuno F — Google review
(Translated by Google) I came to the store for the first time after being recommended by an acquaintance to be delicious. I ordered a pig ball and yakisoba. Yakisoba had a strong taste and a street-like taste, and okonomiyaki was fluffy and both were very delicious. Okonomiyaki is a style that you bake yourself 👍 I want to come back again! * Doteyaki 1 skewer ¥ 80 Many people asked for it.(Original)知人に美味しいと勧められ初めて来店しました。ぶた玉と焼きそばを注文。焼きそばは濃いめの味で屋台風の味、お好み焼きはふわふわでどちらもとても美味しかったです。お好み焼きは自分で焼くスタイルなのも👍また食べに来たいです!※どて焼1串¥80頼まれている方もとても多かったです。
??? — Google review
(Translated by Google) It's delicious and has a taste that hasn't changed since ancient times. You can choose to bake it yourself or have it baked at a store. The skewered banks and oden are also delicious. In summer, ice is delicious after a meal. I recommend the walnut ice.(Original)昔から変わらない味で美味しいです。自分で焼くか店で焼いてもらうか選べます。串の土手やおでんも美味しいです。夏には食後に氷が美味しいです。私はくるみ氷がオススメです。
並松佑樹 — Google review
(Tradução do Google) Visitado antes das 11h30 em um feriado. Acontece que havia um lugar vazio e pude entrar imediatamente. Já estive aqui muitas vezes, mas foi a primeira vez que consegui entrar imediatamente!A propósito, o atendimento ao cliente não é amigável, mas acho que você se acostumará com isso à medida que continuar indo para lá, já que eles são rápidos.Fui comer um delicioso okonomiyaki e gelo de nozes exclusivo para o verão. O preço subiu desde então, mas ainda é barato.Encomendei 2 bolinhos de porco okonomiyaki, 2 maionese, uma tigela grande de yakisoba e gelo de nozes por 2.000 ienes.Grelhe seu okonomiyaki do jeito que você gosta. Molho, flocos de bonito e algas marinhas estão sempre disponíveis, então escolha de acordo com seu gosto! A maionese custa +20 ienes/saco.Quando chega o okonomiyaki, peço maionese.O yakisoba já vem pronto, então é melhor deixar o espaço entre as grelhas aberto.É melhor pedir o sorvete de nozes quando terminar de comer. É um gelo picado com cerca de três pequenos pedaços de mochi de nozes, e você só consegue aqui, por isso é recomendado.Não comi naquele dia, mas o doteyaki está uma delícia!Não há estacionamento, então pague pelo estacionamento!(Original)休日11時半前に訪問。たまたま席が空いておりすぐに入店できました。何度も来ていますがすぐに入れたのは初めてです!ちなみに無愛想な接客ですが、キビキビされてるだけなので通っているうちに慣れると思います。美味しいお好み焼きと夏限定くるみ氷を食べにいきました。昔より値上がりしましたがそれでも安い。お好み焼き豚玉×2、マヨネーズ×2、焼きそば大、くるみ氷を注文して2000円。お好み焼きは自分で好きなように焼きます。ソースと鰹節と海苔が常設されてるので好みで!マヨネーズは+20円/袋です。お好み焼きが来たタイミングでマヨネーズ頼んでます。焼きそばは出来た状態でやってくるので鉄板の間を開けておくのがベスト。くるみ氷も食べ終わる頃に注文するとちょうど良いです。小さいくるみ餅が3つ程入ったかき氷で、ここでしか味わえないのでおすすめです。この日は食べませんでしたがどて焼きなども美味しいです!駐車場はないので有料パーキングへ!
もも — Google review
(Tradução do Google) Li nos comentários que haveria muitas filas, então comecei a fazer fila uma hora antes da loja abrir.Como esperado, não havia muitas pessoas na fila tão cedo, mas o número de pessoas na fila aumentou repentinamente cerca de 10 minutos antes da abertura da loja, e os primeiros lugares foram preenchidos rapidamente.Pedimos motsuyaki, oden, cerveja e okonomiyaki, e todos pareciam pegar a cerveja da vitrine, então nós mesmos pegamos e bebemos hahaNão tenho confiança em grelhar okonomiyaki, então mandei grelhar para mim!Comi motsuyaki e oden enquanto esperava o okonomiyaki chegar, e estava realmente uma delícia pedi 3 pedaços, mas poderia ter comido mais 5😆!O oden também era saboroso e muito bom.O okonomiyaki também estava muito delicioso!Gostaria de visitar novamente quando ficar em um hotel próximo.Muito obrigado✨(Original)クチコミでめっちゃ並ぶと書いてあったので、開店1時間前から並んでみました。流石にそんな早く並んでいる人は居なかったですが、開店の10分前位から一気に並ぶ方が増えてあっという間に1回転目の席が埋まるほどの人でした。モツ焼き、おでん、ビール、お好み焼きを注文、ビールは皆さんショーケースから自分で取るスタイルみたいだったので、自分で取って飲んでました笑お好み焼きは焼くのに自信が無いので焼いていただきました!お好み焼きが来るまでの間もつ焼きとおでんを食べましたが、もつ焼き本当に美味しかったー!3本頼んだけど、あと5本は食べられました😆おでんも味が染みててとても良かったです。お好み焼きもめっちゃ美味しいかったです!また近くのホテルに宿泊した際は伺いたいです。ありがとうございました✨
L.V — Google review
ずっとそこにあって欲しい。そんなお店です。気兼ねなく、飲み物を飲みながら、お好み焼き焼き上がるまでに、どて焼きでいっぱい二杯。そんな美味しい時間があります。焼きそばともう一枚焼いてもらっていいかと。美味しいお好み焼き食べたら、それでいい。そんな空気もまたありですね。メニュー制覇すべくたまに行こうと思いました。(Translated by Google)I want it to be there forever. It's that kind of shop.Feel free to enjoy okonomiyaki while having a drink.By the time it's baked, it's filled with two bowls of doteyaki.We have such a delicious time.I was wondering if you could have me grill some yakisoba and another piece.If you eat delicious okonomiyaki, that's fine.There is such an atmosphere as well.I decided to go there once in a while to conquer the menu.
野崎直人 — Google review
(Tradução do Google) Eu estava hospedado em uma pousada próxima, então parei para jantar. É um edifício histórico com muitos clientes regulares, e os grelhados modernos, os espetos e oden que pedimos estavam todos deliciosos. Se você pedir, a cozinha irá grelhar seu okonomiyaki para você. A maionese custa 20 ienes.(Original)近くの宿に泊まったので、晩酌がてらお邪魔しました。歴史ある建物で常連さんの多い店、頼んだモダン焼きもドテ串もおでんも全て美味しかったです。お好み焼きは、頼めば厨房の方で焼いてくれます。マヨネーズは20円。
Laphroaig B — Google review
地元の方達の日常の中にあるお好み焼き店。お好み焼き モダン焼きの種類は豊富で安価です。基本的に自分達で焼いて行きます。(焼きそばは焼いていただけます) 空気を含ませながら具材を混ぜ、焼き方はそれぞれお好きな様に。お好み焼きの他の必須メニューは「どて焼き」2本3本いけてます!(Translated by Google)An okonomiyaki restaurant that is part of the daily lives of local people. Okonomiyaki There are many types of modern yaki and they are inexpensive. Basically, we bake it ourselves. (Yakisoba can be grilled.) Mix the ingredients while adding air, and grill them however you like.Another must-have dish for okonomiyaki is 2 or 3 pieces of ``doteyaki''!
Yasu M — Google review
(Translated by Google) I've been eating it ever since I can remember 😋I don't remember how many times I ate it (lol)If you add one or two pieces of doteyaki to squid pork, it will be really delicious🐷I have fond memories of getting burned on the iron plate many times 😀I want to go there for the first time in a while and have a beer and whatever you like🍻(Original)物心ついた頃から食べてます😋何回食べたかは覚えてません(笑)イカブタにどて焼き1本か2本入れたらめっちゃ美味いです🐷何回も鉄板でやけどしたのは良い思い出です😀久しぶりに行ってビールとお好みで呑みたいな🍻
東大輔 — Google review
(Tradução do Google) Todo mundo que conheço já está lá há muito tempo e é uma delícia! Por isso perguntei! Havia 4 grupos esperando às 12h30 de domingo. Demorou cerca de 30 minutos para sentar, e a atmosfera era como se você tivesse sido guiado até seu assento e feito o pedido imediatamente. É minha primeira vez, então não sei... pedi só um okonomiyaki e um doteyaki, né? Um? ? ? Fiquei surpreso quando me disseram que o okonomiyaki parecia ter sido assado por mim mesmo, então não entendi direito, mas fiz isso olhando em volta. Quando a pessoa ao meu lado pediu maionese (20 ienes), ele trouxe para mim, dizendo que demoraria muito para assar. A pessoa ao meu lado também parecia perturbada.Se gostar, tem muita umidade e vai respingar um pouco ao virar. Mas o sabor estava muito delicioso! E surpreendentemente, o preço é baixo! !Eu gostaria de ir de novo, mas o atendimento ao cliente...só preciso aproveitar, então talvez eu tente na próxima vez? ? ?(Original)知り合いが皆昔からあって美味しい!と言う事で伺ってみました!日曜日の12時半4組が待っていました。30分程で席へ、案内されすぐにオーダーする雰囲気?初めてなので分からず…モタモタ注文したら、お好み焼きとどて焼きを一本だけ頼みました、は?一本???と言われびっくりしました、お好み焼きは自分で焼く様で、よくわかりませんが周りを見ながら焼きました。隣の人が、マヨネーズ(20円)を頼んだらこれ焼き上がるのにまだまだかかるけど、と言いながらマヨネーズを持ってきてました……なんだかびっくりな接客です。隣の人も困った表情でした。お好みは水分が多く、ひっくり返すとちょっと飛び散ります。だけどお好みはとても美味しかったです!そしてびっくりはお値段の安さ!!又行きたいと思いますが、あの接客は……楽しむしかないかぁと次回もチャレンジしてみようかな???
にゃ〜も — Google review
凄い❣️これが本当の大阪庶民のお好み焼きかぁ。ふわふわで、カステラのようなのだが、甘くてべっとりしたソースと自分でふりかけた鰹節と青海苔が絶妙に美味しい。できるまでの間に食べた、卵、じゃがいも、こんにゃくのおでんの味の染み具合❣️焼きそばもプレートで焦がして美味かった。客層も凄いっす(笑)(Translated by Google)Amazing❣️Is this the real okonomiyaki of Osaka's common people? It's fluffy and resembles castella, but the sweet and sticky sauce and the bonito flakes and green seaweed that I sprinkled on it were exquisitely delicious.How the flavor of the egg, potato, and konnyaku oden that I ate before it was ready❣️The yakisoba was also charred on the plate and was delicious.The customer base is also amazing (lol)
濱田達海 — Google review
(Translated by Google) The okonomiyaki and yakisoba here are truly delicious. Please note that the menu is in Japanese only and payment is only possible in cash. We don't speak Japanese, so we want pork okonomiyaki? I ordered it and ate it cooked in the kitchen, and it was really delicious. It was so delicious and different from what I ate in downtown Osaka!!!! Be sure to enjoy the doteyaki skewers and beer! Total mid 1500 yen? It came out. Let's eat here, take the subway, go to Mavru Beach, and see the sea. Go while your grandmother is there!!!! I really recommend it. Closes around 6pm~(Original)여기 오코노미야끼랑 야끼소바 존맛입니다. 메뉴는 일본어만 있고 현금으로만 계산 가능하니 참고 바랍니다. 저흰 일본어 못해서 돼지 오코노미야끼? 로 주문해서 주방에서 직접 구워주시는걸 먹었는데 진짜 너무 맛있었어요. 오사카 시내에서 먹은것과는 다른 느낌으로 넘 맛있었습니다!!!! 도테야끼 꼬치랑 맥주는 꼭 마시세요! 총 1500엔 중반? 으로 나왔어용. 여기서 밥 먹고 지하철 타고 마브루비치였나 거기 가서 바다 보고 가십쇼. 할머니 계실때 가세요!!!! 진짜 추천합니다. 6시쯤 문닫습니다~
김지연 — Google review
(Translated by Google) I stopped by on my way back from Kansai International Airport.It's about 10 minutes from the airport.There was still a line at 2pm 😭I had doteyaki, shrimp meat modern, and beer. The prices have gone up a bit from the menus in previous photos, but I'm happy to still be able to eat at this price.I'm very satisfied with the price, taste, and atmosphere ^ ^I would like to visit again. Thank you for the meal!(Original)関西国際空港の帰りに立ち寄りました。空港から10分くらいかな。昼の14時でもまだ並んでました😭どて焼き、エビ肉モダン、ビールを頂きました。過去の写真のメニューからは少し値上がりしていましたがまだこのくらいの価格で食べれるのは嬉しい限りです。値段、味、雰囲気とても満足です^ ^また訪れたいと思います。ご馳走様でした!
D D — Google review
(Tradução do Google) No caminho do Aeroporto Internacional de Kansai para WakayamaDesça em Izumisano e almoce.Fui ao Bumpuku-san, que serve okonomiyaki.O lugar estava lotado e quase cheio depois das 14h de um dia de semana.Eu pedi doteyaki e okonomiyaki.Você também pode assar sozinhoResolvi grelhar.670 ienes para bolas mistas é incrível♪O sabor é como o de uma loja de bairro à moda antiga.Parece nostálgico como okonomiyaki (^ ^)(Original)関空から和歌山へ向かう途中泉佐野で降りお昼ご飯を。お好み焼きの文福さんへ行きました。平日の14時過ぎでほぼ満席の賑わい。どて焼とお好み焼きを注文。自分で焼くこともできますが焼いてもらう事にしました。ミックス玉で670円とは素晴らしい♪味は昔ながらの近所のお店のお好み焼きって感じで懐かしいです(^ ^)
あざらしななお — Google review
久々に来たなぁ30年ぶりくらいか⁈俺の記憶が確かなら70年以上前からやってるんやないか⁈どて焼きもおでんもお好み焼きも焼きそばも何でも美味いよな。今日は1人だからぶた玉とどて焼きだけにしとこ。ここ自分で焼くスタイルです。焼いて来ようかって聞いてくれるよ。最近ここも有名みたいで昼はそれなりに混んでるみたいだね。夕方の今日は空いてるな19時までなんだけど、18時にラストオーダーで19時閉店だから行く人は気をつけてね。流石に値上がったけどそれでもぶた玉450円だからね。マヨネーズは昔から有料www(Translated by Google)It’s been a while since I’ve been here, maybe 30 years?If I remember correctly, they've been doing this for over 70 years.Doteyaki, oden, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, everything is delicious. I'm alone today, so I'll just have butatama and dotayaki.This is my own style of baking. He'll ask if you'd like to come and bake it.It seems like this place has become famous recently, so it seems to be quite crowded during the day. It's empty this evening.It's open until 7pm, but the last order is at 6pm and the restaurant closes at 7pm, so be careful if you're going there.The price has gone up, but it's still just 450 yen. Mayonnaise has always been paid for lol
Shige M — Google review
(Translated by Google) When I went on a trip before, I stopped by the store, and when I was standing in line before it opened, I was met with blatantly annoyed looks, and then someone yelled at me, saying things like "Are you an idiot?" in a voice that I could hear from inside the store. We continued to have a similar conversation, so I left the store as requested.Even if someone says it's delicious, I don't want to pay to eat food made by people who have nothing but malicious intent, and I don't even want to give it a star.The first-time customers are like annoying flies to the store.(Original)以前旅行へ行ったときに立ち寄ったが開店前に並んでいたら露骨に迷惑そうな顔をされ挙句に店の中から聞こえるように「アホちゃうか?」等こちらに聞こえるような声で露骨にバカにするような会話をずっとしていたのでご希望通りそのまま店から立ち去りました。美味いと言われても悪意しかない人間が作る食事を金払ってまで食いたくないし、本来なら星すらつけたくない。一見の客はお店にとっては鬱陶しい蝿みたいな存在なんでしょう。
徳丸太郎 — Google review
(Translated by Google) A long-established and popular local storeVisited for lunch before heading to Rinku Outlet. I lined up before the store opened, but I ended up waiting about 40 minutes because I couldn't get into the first round right after the store opened.The customers were 95% local and 5% tourists, and we, the latter, were completely away. Actually, I was a little surprised that I entered the restaurant even though I didn't even know how to make okonomiyaki.The four of us ordered 4 pieces of Modern and Okonomiyaki, and Modern had them grilled for us, but even though we grilled the Okonomiyaki ourselves, we were able to do it very well with the help of the regulars sitting next to us.The taste is as expected from a popular restaurant!(Original)激シブの地元人気老舗りんくうアウトレットに向かう前にランチで訪問。開店前からの列に並ぶも、開店すぐの一巡目に入れず40分ほど待つことに。お客さんは地元95%観光客5%と言う感じで、後者の我々は完全アウェイ。実はお好み焼きの焼き方もよく分かってないのに入店したことに少しビビる。モダン、お好み焼きを4人で4枚注文し、モダンは焼いてもらいましたが、お好み焼きは自分で焼くも、隣席の常連様の手捌きを参考に上手く出来ました。味は流石の人気店で納得の旨さ!
大衆高尓夫 — Google review
(Tradução do Google) A loja é bastante limpa, a atitude é amigável e a comida é deliciosa. Voltarei na próxima vez.(Original)店內還蠻乾淨的,態度親切,東西不錯吃,下次會再來的👍
Kk先生 — Google review
7-6 Wakamiyacho, Izumisano, Osaka 598-0055, Japão•